Thursday, February 25, 2016

5.8 Practice Quiz

Hey hey panthers!  We have a quiz tomorrow - our very first of the new unit on genetics.  The quiz will be on cell division (mitosis and meiosis).

Try out my new set of quizlet flashcards - the top 3 high scorers on the scatter game get +2% on their quiz grade.

Here is a practice quiz that looks just like the real one!   The answer key is below.

1. d (There should be four haploid cells, though, not just 2)
2. b (Mitosis is the process used to make more body cells for growth and repair)
3. c (Though this is wrong - human body cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes, 46 total)
4. a (Part of meiosis is crossing over, which makes new combinations of DNA, and mutation changes DNA, so you get more sets of different DNA with meiosis and many mutations).
5.  c (Mitosis is the type of cell division that allows cancer to spread)
6. a (Chromosomes are copied.. though the grammar of this question is poor).
7. d (In meiosis, you start with a parent cell with a complete set of chromosomes and end with 4 cells with a half set of chromosomes)
8. c (In mitosis, you start with a parent cell with a complete set of chromosomes and end with 2 cells with a complete set of chromosomes.. meaning the same number of chromosomes.)
9. c (The purpose of meiosis is to make sex cells (gametes), and recombination (crossing over of chromosomes) is part of this process.  It allows new combinations of DNA to exist)
10. d (The trading of genes is called crossing over and it happens during meiosis)
11. a (Mitosis is the process that allows cells to grow in the body.  Meiosis is only for making gametes - sperm and eggs in humans)
12. All answer choices are wrong - the muscle, bone, and nerve cells are products of mitosis.

Exemplary CER (proficient!)

Claim: The genetic content of the new epithelial cells is the same as the content of the old epithelial cells.

Evidence:  The text says that the cells are multiplying to repair the skin.  Mitosis is the cell division process that is responsible for growth and repair in the body.  In mitosis, one cell with 23 pairs of chromosomes divides to make 2 cells with 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Reasoning:  Because the epithelial cells must divide to repair the skin in this case, mitosis is the process that is being used.  Because mitosis makes daughter cells with the same genetic content (or number of chromosomes) as the parent cells, we know that the new cells must have the same genetic content as the old cells that made them.  This is why the new cells have the same genetic content as the old cells.

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