Friday, May 22, 2015

How to study for the final

The final is worth 10% of your grade!

According to the blueprint of the biology final, here are the topics you can expect to see, along with their weights:

As you can see, ecology (topics 1 and 2) is worth over half the test, while older topics from semester 1 and early in this semester make up the rest.

Today in class, you completed a practice final.  You received your work from this review week.  You have a packet that has everything you need to know.  NOW you need to USE it.

To USE the information in your packet, try one of the following:

1. Make flashcards of key vocabulary or difficult questions.

2. Use my quizlet flash cards to quiz yourself and practice on key vocabulary.

3. Make a "cheat sheet" (No, you can't use it during the actual final) of all information that is relevant on the final.  See the images below to guide this effort.

4. Ask a sibling/friend/parent to quiz you by asking you questions from the practice final.

5. Draw big pictures of big ideas or processes, such as respiration, photosynthesis, the water cycle, the carbon cycle, protein synthesis, mitosis, reproduction, food webs, trophic levels, etc.  This will make these ideas stick in your brain better.

6. Review your old tests and quizzes to identify your strengths and weaknesses on the topics above. The unit 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 tests contain content that will be on the final.

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