Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Presentation tips

Hi scientists!  I borrowed the following presentation tips from this AccuConference site.  Good luck with your presentations tomorrow.

Public Speaking Tips
  • Avoid slang and jargon.
  • Use anecdotes and practical examples to make complicated concepts more comprehensible.
  • Speak in varying tones and pitches to give emphasis to certain words and ideas.
  • Deliver your speech slowly and clearly.
  • Make sure that the people sitting at the back of the hall can hear you clearly, but do not speak so loud that it appears as if you are shouting.
  • Maintain an upright but relaxed posture while you are speaking, and do not lean forward or backward.
  • Leave your arms on the podium or by your sides when you are not using them to make gestures.
  • When gesturing, make sure that it is natural and spontaneous.
  • Maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Wear clothes with simple cuts and neutral tones, and make sure that they are comfortable.
Presentation Design
  • Do not overload slides with a lot of text.
  • Use the PowerPoint Notes to remind yourself what to say when a certain slide is being shown.
  • Prepare a Table of Contents slide with the “Summary Slide” feature.
  • Include a slide that shows your company logo.
  • Arrange slides according to topics.
  • Try to make the length of text lines similar throughout the slide.
  • Recommended font for slide title is San Serif, and font size should be 44.
  • Font size for subtitles should be 28 to 34, with bold font.
  • Use dark font over light background and light font over dark background to enhance clarity.
  • Use graphics only when appropriate.
  • You can press “W” or “B” to clear the screen temporarily during your presentation, and resume the presentation by pressing “Enter”.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today's benchmark for presentation project

Hi students!  Yesterday you learned what a biogeochemical cycle is.  You chose one of the cycles (water, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus, calcium, or nitrogen) and you started your presentation file and emailed it to me.

Today you need to read about your cycle and add to your presentation.  By the end of today you need to email me your nearly finished presentation.  Remember that your job is to teach the class about your cycle and show how your material changes as it goes through at least 6 changes in the cycle.  Refer to this requirements sheet to make sure you are doing your job properly.

Please email your presentation to by the end of class today!