Friday, January 22, 2016

4.9 ICAP and Protein Synthesis Video

Happy Friday! 

Please watch the video, and then follow this link to answer questions about the video: Class Calendar.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

4.7 Transcription

Class Calendar Link

We talked exclusively today about their first process of Protein Synthesis: Transcription.

Transcription is the process of transferring the information from DNA to mRNA. There are three steps to transcription, listed below. We used manipulatives to visualize the process of transcription, and then had a contest to see who could do the fastest transcription using a sample of DNA code!

1. Enzymes unzip the DNA molecule.
2. Free RNA Nucleotides form base pairs with their complimentary nucleotides of the DNA.
3. The mRNA strand leaves the nucleus.

Homework: Annotate the "translation" part of your Protein Synthesis notes.

Due in Class: Notes from today include information from the power point as well as the exit ticket question - Write a well thought out paragraph describing the process of transcription.
Blank Copy of Notes
Complete Copy of Notes

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

4.6 Protein Synthesis

After quickly celebrating quiz results, we introduced Protein Synthesis. The diagram below is what we will reference all week as we dive into the specific processes.

We watched the video below, and then took notes on the 8 steps in both transcription and translation.

Turn in the notes (in Cornell Style) complete with the 8 steps, a diagram of protein synthesis, and the exit ticket questions in the power point. The power point is attached in the Class Calendar!

Homework is to complete the quiz result report questions (four questions at the bottom of the report) and turn in tomorrow!

Let me know if you have any questions :)